Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Off To A Great Start . . .

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Who makes resolutions? What about goals?

I make goals!!

I ended up doing this by accident. I began to see how things I wanted to achieve were actually happening for me. It was an awesome feeling and this made me want to keep moving forward. In 2015, I plan to complete more goals and keep track!! I will make monthly and yearly goals . . . and so I don't forget all of these great accomplishments, I'm placing them in a jar.

I found this idea on pinterest. My green ball jar doesn't look as pretty as the one I found online, but it still works. Every time I reach a goal, make a memory or something great happens, it gets written on a piece of paper, dated and put in the jar. Pretty simple, right? Well, for me it's remembering to write it down and put it in the jar. This shall be goal #1 . . . 

Another goal will be to write more in 2015. Being in school full time and family priorities make it really hard to have the time or energy. My writing goals for January are to write a rough draft for my short story, finalize it and hit the submit button by the January 31st deadline. Guess What? I completed the first writing goal . . .  the rough draft was completed on January 4th. You can see from above, I now have my 1st accomplishment in the jar!!  . . . Yay me :-)

Some additional goals will be to finish two more semesters of school this year with good grades. This might mean different study habits, longer hours and staying up later in order to accomplish. I also plan to eat a little more healthier. Sometimes stress causes me to reach in the closest and grab that bag of chips that's been staring at me!! I might even remove the clothes and dust off the tread mill to relieve a little of that stress!! I also need to finish the afghan I started for my daughter before she left for college. I might have it done by next fall if I'm lucky!! . . . The important thing is to see the jar filling which will keep me motivated to continue to fill it all the way to the top.

But don't forget to enjoy the simple things in life .... like coffee!! Who doesn't enjoy coffee?!! :-)

Wishing everyone a productive and enjoyable 2015!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What Lies Within Us .....

We are all different people inside and out. Sometimes it is evident what lies with us, but sometimes it is not. The elements within us can be strong enough to make life more clear and much more positive towards our life goals. We should not let the past bother us or even worry what our future holds. Neither is as important as who we are deep inside our soul. The person inside each of us will help overcome both the past and the future worries. Live the simple life .... step up to the plate, make a brighter future. Dream big and live life to the fullest. Be happy!

I absolutely love this quote ....

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Does Fall Cleaning Help De-Clutter Your Mind?

I just read an interesting article about how having clutter in your home stops the energy from flowing. If energy cannot flow through your home, then significant parts of our lives will suffer. Do you have the feeling of being "stuck"? If so, maybe you need to de-clutter.


Each semester before I start back to college, I clean my office top to bottom. I vacuum, dust, organize and give everything a home. This has to be done before sitting down in front of my computer on the very first day of class. Why? Honestly, I never gave it much thought until I read this article. I'm starting to think I needed that energy flow in order to be productive. Getting rid of clutter and unfinished projects can help break the pattern and get you unstuck. But if all else fails, there is always COFFEE :)

For more information, you can read this article: 5 Items to Remove From Your Life Right Now. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Perfect Writers Retreat . . .

What would you consider the perfect writers retreat? I thought I'd share a few ideas to jump start your daily writing . . .

We would start off with a fabulous little house on the beach . . .

Maybe some chocolate along the way to get those creative juices flowing . . .

Lots of coffee and/or hot chocolate to keep us awake . . .

A much needed break of shoe shopping is required . . .

And finally a fire house drive by for some inspiration in hopes of a peek at McDreamy in his turnout gear before heading back to the key board.

My friend Mary Kate inspired this blog post. Thanks Mary Kate :)
You can find Mary Kate at marykatekopec.com

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Day Without Facebook Is A Day Without Crack ... Are You Addicted?

Signs you are addicted to Facebook . . . 

You find yourself continuously reheating the same cup of coffee because you were too busy scrolling down the home page.

You want to throw the computer out the window because you are stuck on level 147 of candy crush for the third week in a row.

When you're out with friends and you keep updating your status instead of enjoying the people sitting next to you.

Your family has to log on facebook to know where to find you.

When you LOL more at a computer screen than the people around you.

When you search facebook to get ideas for dinner.

When hanging out with your friends on a Friday night really means hanging out on facebook.

You get excited when someone pokes you.

You are driven crazy until you take the quiz to find out your stripper name.

You take at least 20 selfies until you get just the right one for your new profile picture.


You take the quiz "Are you a Facebook Addict" more than once.

Friday, June 20, 2014

110 Thoughts Every Girl Has . . .

My daughter came across this post on facebook and I LMAO when she read it to me and just knew everyone would love this too.

110 Thoughts Every Girl Has While Building A Froyo . . . 

1. You know what sounds nice? Froyo.
2. But should I really? Yes. It’s hot, froyo is a weather-friendly snack.
3. I was really supposed to be sticking to my diet…
4. Tart is totally healthy, so I can do this.
5. Celebrities do it, so it’s completely diet-approved.
6. I feel so Britney right now.
7. They’re skinny, so eating froyo will make me skinny too.
8. That’s right, I’m gonna stick to tart, and only add a few pieces of fruit.
9. Fruit is also healthy.
10. I wonder if they added any flavors since I was here last.
11. Ah, they added Cookies ‘N Cream. I don’t think they had that yesterday.
12. Wow this cup is really big. Do they actually think I’m gonna fill this whole cup?
13.Huh, they have Birthday Cake too.
14. Oh my god. Red Velvet. I have to stock up.
15. I’m gonna grab a few sample cups, ya never know what might be tasty.
16. Three cups should do it…Who are we kidding? Six. I’ll do six.
17. God bless, they brought Peanut Butter Cup back
18. Only a few samples, and then I’ll definitely just get tart.
19. WHOAH Graham Cracker is certainly a game changer.
20. Who the fuck thought Green Tea was a good flavor? Kill it! Kill it with fire!
21. What is Taro? Isn’t that some sort of mind reading voodoo?
23. Who comes into froyo and is like, ya know what? I want a sorbet flavor.
24. Fuck sorbet.
25. Why is sorbet even a thing? It’s like the retarded cousin of actual ice cream.
26. Oh wait…lactose intolerant people need that.
27. I bet I’m lactose intolerant. My stomach gets upset when I have too much milk.
28. Definitely a lactard. But that’s okay, I’m strong enough to handle one cup of froyo.
29. I totally know I’m gluten-free too. Bagels make me constipated.
30. I should Web MD my symptoms.
31. Well that’s thoughtful of this place to have sorbet flavors. But only 2. 2 MAX.
32. Too many sorbet flavors would waste space for the actual flavors.
33. Back to the challenge at hand.
34. Oh my god that person got sugar free Prailine who does that?????
35. Diabetics. God I’m such a bitch.
36. I bet it has less calories though…
37. I’m gonna try it.
38. Wow that’s actually really good. Maybe you’ll get space in my cup later Prailine.
39. Huh, is that fudge brownie flavor any good you think? Oh it’s good. Damn that is fresh.
40. Okay, so I’m gonna save tart for next time because I deserve a treat tonight.
41. Alright, just one sample of the tart so I’ve paid my respects.
42. That is a tad more tart than I remember. Birthday Cake was not that tart.
43. Just one flavor…uhhh okay. Birthday Cake.
44. YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FIRST! You are the evening winner!
45. Winner winner froyo dinner!
46. But wait…ugh I def need that Cookies ‘N Cream too.
47. They took so pretty, all happy and snuggly next to each other.
48. And lonely. Why so lonely little fro? Do you need another friend?
50. I see you Green Tea, tryna contaminate my cup. Never gonna happen. You taste like kitty litter.
51. Wow, this looks like a lot of yogurt. Guess I filled up the cup.
52. Maybe this is why the cups are so big.
53. I should really brighten it up with one more…the other colors are kind of blah-looking
54. No offense other three flavors, I respect you.
56. Wow that’s an ambitious cup.
57. No biggie, I’ll still be healthy with fruit. Fruit will save me.
58. Plus the guy next to me got a little more, so I’m for sure not the fattest kid in this place
59. Okay, obviously start with strawberries because they’re the king of the froyo fruit options.
60. Pineapple too, gotta love pineapple.
61. Do I want kiwis? Why is that one kind of brown? And will green look weird on my yogurt?
62. Those mangos are DEFINITELY not ripe enough. I’d crack a tooth on that one.
63. Did they stomp on the blueberries before they put them in there? I could make a blueberry mash with those. Maybe I can pocket a few and use them for muffins tomorrow.
64. What the fuck are those bizarre orange balls? They look like steroid-infused caviar. Gross.
65. No, seriously, who eats that waste of space?
66. Oh. That guy just got some… feeling judgmental now, maybe they’re good
67. I’ll sample one, just to say that I did it
69. Not okay, I need something to wash the flavor out of my mouth
70. Those cheesecake bites should do the trick
71. Holy crap they have toasted coconut. Shit just got real.
72. Okay, it already feels like 8 lbs, I should probably just sprinkle on some almonds and be done with it.
73. Although…
74. Are those cookie dough balls?
75. Okay a few of those won’t hurt.
76. WHOOPS! Hand slipped. I guess 12 is okay too.
77. This idiot filling the machines has no idea I’m eating my toppings in line
78. Whoohoo poppin’ em like adderall during exam week!
79. Gotta save those ounces! Every ounce counts!
80. I bet I’m saving like… at least $5 by eating the toppings in line.
81. Just gonna nom one more Reese’s annnndddd…fuck he just yelled at me.
82. This is embarrassing. People are looking.
83. Okay, okay, you caught me, I’m putting it down. Slowly, so nobody gets hurt.
84. Asshole.
85. Just for that I’m taking more and eating it when you’re not looking.
86. I’m a ninja. A froyo ninja.
87. Oh man, peanut butter drizzle. Should I do it?
88. I put fruit in my bowl….that should counteract the drizzle.
89. OMMMGGGGG it looks like heaven!!!
90. Time to weigh this baby, and for the love of god, no judgment from the cashier plz.
92. I could literally buy half a swimsuit from Target for the price of this baby
93. Not that I should be wearing a swimsuit after this…
94. Alright calm down, 8 oz of those are probably toppings and air…
95. And fruit toppings…with some drizzles on top…
96. What do you mean, ‘do I want a pink or a green spoon’?
97. Do I LOOK like a tree-hugging granola freak to you?
98. Oh god I should’ve put granola on here, that’s what I’m missing.
99. Can’t go back now, that would be mortifying.
100. Do I have a punch card? Lol you must be new.
101. Wait, wait…shit where’s my punch card???
102. I have a fucking punch card you ignoramus, I’m just looking for it
103. Seriously??? Where is that sneaky punch card?!
104. Ugh FINE I’ll take another. It must be at home…
105. I’ve got to have at least 8 at home. Whatever, I’ll just put them together next time.
106. I’m like the cat lady of punch cards now. I should give these as gifts.
107.Gotta make sure to Instagram this before I dive in.
108. It’s gonna get so many likes.
109. Fuck it, I can’t even wait.
110. I’M GOING IN!!!!

Below is the original post:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Miracle Suit My @$$ . . .

I decided to go shopping for a new swim suit instead of doing much needed homework . . . FAIL!

I was shocked out how much swim suits cost. I hadn't bought a new one in a few years and WOW. And then there is a "Miracle Suit" that starts around $150.00 . . . Double WOW.

Does this woman really look like she needs a Miracle? FAIL again! This suit starts at a size 10. She appears to be a size 1. I'd say no Miracle is needed for her. Now Me? Oh hell yeah lots of Miracles need to happen here. . . a tuck here, a lift there, and a suck me in x 10 . . .

Needless to say, I will be wearing the same swim suit as I did last year and the year before and even the year before that one . . . unless I find a true Miracle and a Money Tree!!